Chiropractic medicine is a branch of the healing arts, concerned with human health and disease processes. Doctors of Chiropractic are physicians who consider man as an integrated being and gives special attention to the physiological and biomechanical aspects including structural, spinal, musuloskeletal, neurological, vascular, nutritional, emotional and environmental relationships.
Chiropractic treatment and diagnosis is focused on reducing pain and improving function of the neuro-musculoskeletal system. Chiropractic physicians treat patients primarily by manual manipulation to mobilize or adjust the joints and the adjacent tissues of the spine. Other interventions may include the use of therapeutic exercise or physical therapy programs. Chiropractors also advice their patients on diet and nutrition. The efficacy of chiropractic has been demonstrated and documented in many studies by several organizations including the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (1994), Ontario Ministry of Health (1993), and the Rand Corporation (1991).
Thirty-one million Americans have low back pain at any given time. The cost of this care is estimated to be $50 Billion yearly. One third of Americans over age 18 seek professional help for their spine pain. There are over 60,000 doctors of Chiropractic helping 20 Million patients per year.
FACT: Once a person has a back pain attack, they are four times as likely to have a recurrence.
After an extensive study of all current available care for low back problems, the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research - federal government research organization - recommended that low back pain patients choose the most conservative care first. In addition, it recommended spinal manipulation as the ONLY safe and effective, DRUGLESS form of initial professional treatment for acute low back problems in adults.
Where can I find information about your providers?
Your health plan should be able to provide you with a list of doctors in your area. This is usually the most convenient method for finding information.
What should I do when setting up an appointment with a provider for the first time?
After selecting a chiropractor in your area, call and set up an appointment with the physician. Make sure that you mention ChiroHealth-Ohio. For most plans, no prior authorization is required. If a special case does arise, the chiropractor will take care of the additional information.